9 Technologies That Deserve To Die

#8 Coal-based Powers:

Coal had been that fossil fuel which led to the inception of technological and industrial growth. It powered steam engines for rail transport, steam turbines in industry for products. If the coal is yet playing active part in our day to day lives, like its use in coal power plants, and some of the industry which require high temperatures, it is a sad situation. The era which was dependent on coal as energy resource, had pristine environment which could withstand the onslaught of pollution. The coal had significantly harmed our environment ever since it was first put to use. It spews more pollutants than any other fossil fuels. Global warming, change in climates, suspended particles in air, and acid rain, are few to name the wreck coal can cause. It’s time we go beyond coal, and find other means less harmful and more productivity than coal.

#7 Incandescent Light Bulbs:

These bulbs burn a tungsten coil to give out light and uncomfortable heat. The device sports look of some electric stove, inverted and a glass bulb fixed on it. The incandescent light bulbs also race power meter to compete with racing bikes, meanwhile the bill reaches sky high. These devices are yet in use especially in rural areas while innovations like compact fluorescent bulbs and light emitting diodes are now affordable and performance is for better.