9 Must-Watch 'Everything-as-a-Service' (XaaS) Companies

#4 Boundary:

XaaS Category: Monitoring-Management-as-a-Service (MaaS)

Boundary is a cloud application that offers services such as real-time and application monitoring. The company deploys agents on an enterprise’s applications running in the cloud that examine every packet they see cross the application. The company boasts of hitting a landmark goal of over 17 billion records per day by the end of the year. Boundary not only serves information’s based up on cloud, but also gives a detailed statistics on how their cloud apps are performing.

#5 enStratus Networks

XaaS Category: Monitoring-Management-as-a-Service (MaaS)

enStratus Networks is a cloud infrastructure management platform provider that concentrates on issues associated with deploying systems across various platforms in cloud computing such as public, private and hybrid clouds. With provisions across various sectors such as governance, automation, and independence, the company offers services such as security controls, financial controls, audit controls and reporting.

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