8 Most Anticipated Products From Google I/O

#2 Google Glass

Google Glass was the standout hit of last year’s I/O event, and with the coming event, people may actually see a public launch of the device.

Recently Google surprised the developers who were intently waiting to try their geeky side on Google’s hi-tech eye gear “Google Glass,” by releasing Google Glass Mirror API (application programming interface) that will help to create apps for the gadget. All this is adding up to the excitement of seeing the device’s debut in coming I/O.

If we follow the recent reports about "Google Glass", the gadget is a wearable head mounted display that can capture 5-megapixel images and videos at a resolution of 720p and also feature 16GB of storage onboard. The CPU could be a Single Core Processor, coupled with 256MB/512MB RAM. The display is equivalent to a 25-inch HD screen viewed from eight feet away. It has 16GB of storage onboard, 12GB of usable memory available to the wearer.

It is to utilize many already-existing Google applications, such as Google Now, Google Maps, Google+, and Gmail.

Currently, there is no lens fitted to them, so the company is considering partnering with sunglass retailers such as Ray-Ban or Warby Parker and plans to open retail stores to allow customers to try on the device.

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