7 of The Most Bizarre People on Earth

Bangalore: These people are strikingly out of the ordinary ones. They don’t live a normal life. Some of them are bizarre in the ways they look, live and think while others do strange things, which make them stand out in the crowd.

Let’s meet some of the most bizarre people on earth.

Bihari: Most officially dead person

Lal Bihari is a farmer from Uttar Pradesh, who was officially dead for 18 years. He founded Mritak Sangh or the Association of Dead and joined members who he discovered in the similar situation.

Bihari came to know about his death when he applied for a bank loan in 1976. His relatives had bribed the government officials to register him as dead to get his properties. Bihari fought for18 years to prove his existence. He stood against Rajiv Gandhi in elections and lost, to prove that he is alive, he signed the letters as “late Bihari,” he organized his own funeral and demanded a widow pension for his wife. In 2004 he managed to have his official death canceled after a long legal struggle.

He found at least 100 people in his situation of being officially dead and in fear of getting killed by relatives for money and land. Nowadays his association Mritak Sangh has over 20,000 members all over India. By 2004 they had managed to declare four of their members alive.