7 Must-read Books that Will Change Your Life

As a Man Thinketh:  This book by James Allen says that the actions and decisions that a man takes in a situation show his personality. All the circumstances that a man faces give him a unique opportunity to grow in different ways and always bring out the best in him. It is Buddhism that influenced Allen’s thoughts so he emphasizes on ‘right thinking’, and he suggests that the best path to success is a calm mind.
As the title suggests, ‘As a Man Thinketh’ is an inspiration from the Old Testament and Allen includes some Christian teachings of into his book. In the different chapters in the book, Allen talks about Thought and Character, Effect of Thought on circumstance, Effect of thought on Health and Body, Thought and Purpose, Thought Factor in Achievement, Visions and Ideals, and Serenity.

The Power of Positive Thinking:  First published in 1952, ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ written by the author Norman Vincent Peale instantly gained many hits and sold 5 million copies worldwide.

This is a guidebook to self-esteem and success.  By reading the book, you can learn how to expect the best and get it, believe in yourself, and develop your power to reach your goals, break the worry habit, improve personal and professional relationships, control circumstances and be kind to yourself. The book teaches how to let go of negative thoughts that cause failure and concentrate on the positive thinking. In summary, Peale advices people to concentrate less on their worries and have a positive attitude towards life to achieve success.

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