5 Startups That Enchant the Fitness Mantra

Personal Training

FitOrbit was founded by one of the personal training industry's reigning fitness icons, Jake Steinfeld. For iPhone users, wading through a sea of fitness and weight-loss applications can be confusing and time-consuming and, much like adhering to the latest diet craze, it’s often hard to stick with using the application once you download it. The fitness training web service that lets you select a real-life personal trainer over the web ,customizes a seven-day nutrition and exercise plan for you.


No doubt the item “exercise more” will be on some of your New Year resolutions lists, even though most of you may have forgotten about that scrap of paper, especially after indulging in all the tempting goodies that show up at end-of-year parties and family gatherings. Nexercise can help you reach your goals, plus provide you with incentives to get up and get moving. By awarding you with points based on your activity levels, and then turning those points into cash in the shape of discounts at select brands and stores.

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