5 Smart Tools to Predict Climate

4. Climate Reanalyzer: It is a portal that allows you to view the climate attributes of the world like temperature anomaly, precipitable water and jetstream. The website contains weather forecast maps, animations, and timeseries. 

It also contains both current and historical data about climate. The Climate Change Institute at The University of Maine created The Climate Reanalyzer with a vision to “make key climate information readily available to everyone.”

5. Surging Seas: A Non Government Organization named Climate Central, with a noble intention of spreading awareness about rising sea levels due to global warming came up with ‘Surging Seas’ tool. It also alerts those residing in the coastal regions about the sea level. It is documenting the melting of polar ice caps and its consequent rise in water level of the sea.

 All it takes, for you to know about the sea level in your costal belt, is to enter your zip code or town name. It has useful features that will graphically show if your area is likely to be flooded or not depending on the topography.

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