4 Never Known Facts About Google Now - The Predictive Future Of Search

#4 A deeper understanding:

Google Now is an app for voice search and for “cards” that bubble up relevant information on contextual basis. The app is only available on devices based on Android Jelly Bean.

The cards pop up automatically as Google tries to guess the information you need at the moment. They give out the information like local restaurants, the traffic on your commuting home, or when your flight to take off.

 It may seem simple, but Google had to put its massive computational power alongside the massive amount of data Google knows about you from your searches and permitted access to your mails, makes this task possible.   

It's "precisely what Google is best at," Android's director of product management, Hugo Barra, told The Verge. "It really feels like we’ve been working on Google Now for the past ten years. Because Google Now touches every back-end of Google, every different web service that’s been developed over the last ten years or so is part of this service."

For now Jelly Bean is offering calendar alerts, weather, flight times, sports scores, transit directions, local restaurants, and a few more categories of information. With later updates Google is expanding Now into new categories, though not radically ambitious, its fitting into overall feel of Google Now.