16 Most Popular Tech Mascots Ever

9. TiVo

The bouncy TiVo character, with its boxy body and insect-like antennae, has been the face of the set-top-box maker's marketing since 1997.

Consulting firm Cronan, which also came up with the name for the Amazon Kindle, invented the name and mascot for TiVo.

TiVo says the character's antennae are a nod to TV of old, while the legs indicate that the system can obtain things and bring them back to customers.

8. Twitter


The social network’s messages were limited to 140 characters, so the team working on it considered calling it Jitter or Twitch. One of the teammate, Noah Glass suggested Twitter, meaning, "a short inconsequential burst of information, chirps from birds." From there, Twitter's mascot came in a form of bird which has undergone several revisions over the past few years.

7. Intel

Dancing bunny suit guy

Technicians in Intel work in a faultless facility and wear a white coverall called a "bunny suit." BunnyPeople, a character that looks like a goofy astronaut, danced in commercials promoting Intel's Pentium processors starting in 1997. Apple revived the bunny suit in 2006 with a commercial for its new line of computers.