14 Countries With Best Economic Freedom

9. Denmark
Economic Freedom score: 76.9

Denmark’s remarkable regulatory efficiency and economic performance fetched the country 76.9 score and is the ninth economically free nation around the globe. The overall growth is same in almost all the sectors as previous year with few developments in the management of public spending and freedom from corruption counterbalanced by declines in labor and investment freedoms. In the European region, Denmark is ranked second amongst 43 countries.

10. United States
Economic Freedom score: 76.0

The economic score of U.S. is 76.0 which make it the 10 most economic free countries worldwide. Though the score declines 0.3 point compared to last year, still U.S. continues to be the 2nd out of three countries in the North America region. The labor market has been very much flexible abd the corruption rate has also been negligible.

11. Ireland
Economic Freedom score: 75.7

Ireland ranks the 11th freest country in the 2013 list with a score of 75.7. The competent regulatory structure chains business formation strongly. Just with a marginal capital requirement, instituting a business takes only four procedures and a little longer than one week.

The banking sector in Ireland continues to be in trouble. Despite of few troubles the Irish economy continues to be in a better position than other troubled euro zone economies.

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