14 Countries With Best Economic Freedom

6. Canada
Economic Freedom score: 79.4

Canada is the sixth freest economic country in the world with a score of 79.4.Sturdy rules of law guarantee property rights, a low rank of corruption. The brass tacks of economic liberty in Canada remain burly and well-sustained by solid fortification of property rights and an independent judiciary that implement anti-corruption actions effectively.

7. Chile
Economic Freedom score: 79.0

Chile maintains it position as a global leader in economic freedom with a score of 79.0. The country’s top income tax rate is 40 percent and the corporate tax rate increased in 2010 was provisionally lifted during the first half of 2012. With the rule of law powerfully sustained by an independent and competent judicial system, wise public finance management has kept public debt and current budget deficits under control.

8. Mauritius
Economic Freedom score: 76.9

With a score of 76.9 percent and the income and corporate tax rates a flat 15 percent Mauritius ranks eighth in the list. With steady business weather, Mauritius maintains an active entrepreneurial atmosphere. Barriers liberalizing free trade are low, and commercial actions are abetted by resourceful policies that maintain open-market policies.

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