10 Ways You Get Hacked

#8 USB Device Malware:

The infecting program is also called as malware, and it may infect a system through a USB device carrying it is plugged into the system. Alperovitch said “once the unsuspecting person plugs the key into his machine, malware gets installed. It can also be surreptitiously inserted in to computer by insider of company.”Though only a single system seems to be infected, but on network the malware can spread across.

# 7 Networks Exploitation

Hackers can scan the networks remotely to know the vulnerability within the system, and if it happens that the system has some, then they can exploit it by sending a command through a program to the server, which will end up in executing code and crashing the application. Alperovitch said “it is like a potential burglar looking at your house and seeing your doors unlocked, simply walks in.”

Any networks, private or of government institute with vulnerabilities could be targeted by hackers.