10 Ways You Get Hacked

#9 Spear Phising:

Spear phising is the simple tool most commonly used by hackers to target a system.  Here, cyber spies get in to the network by sending an email, or instant message, which could be designed accordingly to targeted victim and it, may also include attachments or links of websites.

Once the attachment is opened or clicked the link, the smooth targets of the system's application, like word processor or browser will be exploited. Malicious software, known as malware, will then start executing on the machine and open up a communication channel to the hacker to allow them to browse and control the system.

Dmitri Alperovitch a renowned computer security researcher and thought-leader on cyber security policies and issues says “the hacked system is then used as a beachhead to get into other machines within that network.” And he said that’s how cyber spies were able to hack into Google.

So, one may not know what a click of mouse can expose a system to, ‘getting hacked’.