10 Startup Launch Lessons

#3 Motivate and ignite the team

Motivation is the key factor fordriving a company to success. Some people think that by motivating the employees any hard shell can be cracked. There are many entrepreneurs who do not believe in outsourcing their job. They say that splitting the large chunk of work into executable bits is the best way to handle the situation. Bearable burdens together with the fuel of motivation will certainly ablaze your team mates to work hard.

#4 Start With Available Resource

Every penny counts when you are in real need of some capital investment. There is no point in waiting till you raise funds, but it is always advisable to go ahead and lay the base; rest can be built up on it step by step. Try out every possible way  to collect the needed resources. There is no wrong in doing multiple tasks or striking a deal at the lowest price for limiting the expenditure. The excuse of not having time does not work out well as squeezing time out from the schedule is all about prioritizing things. ‘If there is a will; there is way’ holds the best.

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