10 Short Lived Google Products Ever

#7 Google X

Life Span: March 15, 2005 – March 16, 2005

Well, don’t get confused by the name Google X, which is the famous research and innovation lab of Google. But Google X was also the name of a project released by Google Labs which lasted only hours. The concept was to display all the Google products above the traditional search bar, which looks like the Dock user Interface of Apple’s Mac OS X. When you place the mouse over any icon, it will enlarge. But the project was rolled back within 24 hours. Google did not release any statement on why they shut down the project.


#6 Dodgeball

Life Span: May 2005- January 2009

Dodgeball was a location based social networking software provider for mobiles. It can be said as the first Foursquare founded by Dennis Crowley. It allows you to text your location to the service, which in turn notifies you with the connections nearby, including your friends, friends of friends and so on. Google discontinued the service in 2009. Later, Crowley went on to found the real Foursquare.