10 Most Powerful Women In Technology

#9 Jane Moran

Position: Global Chief Information Officer

Company: Thomson Reuters

Ever since 2008, Jane Moran enriches the position of CIO at Thomson Reuters, an agency where scientific, legal, financial, business and media market information is sold to customers having various needs.

Along with that she is a roundtable member of the Center for Digital Strategies at Tuck School of Business and an active member of Thomson Reuters Women’s Network, the Anita Borg Institute and the National Center for Women in Technology (NCWIT).

Even though her work schedule is tightly packed she never misses a chance to be part of all the ventures undertaken by various organizations in which she is a member. She makes use of the career to create greater business openings along with supporting the development of women, says WITI EVP, Michele Weisblatt.

She was attracted to the world of technology, when she was working at a venture capital firm where she was encouraged and supported by the President to take additional technology classes, including programming. She excelled there as a ‘Technology Guru’, since she had an innate aptitude towards technology which she inherited from her own father.

According to Moran, the two skills that a woman should possess for the entry to the tech-world are 1) an ability to collaborate and transform the business requirements to technological solutions and 2) to have a mentor who can be asked for help in the career path or in the projects that are worked on.