10 Most Curious Programming Languages

#3 Befunge

Developer: Chris Pressey

While Brainf**k was designed for minimalism, Befunge was created in 1993 for complexity. The developer created this esoteric language with the goal of being as difficult to compile as possible. It is a two dimensional ASCII based programming language.

#2 Omgrofl

Developer: Juraj Borza

The esoteric language created in 2006 has variables and keywords resembling Internet slang. The name comes from combining the slang "words" omg and rofl. All the variables in this language should be slang like ‘lol,’ ‘lool’ and so on. Rofl is actually one of Omgrofl's commands.

#1 Ook!

Developer: David Morgan-Mar

This language is similar to Brainf**k, except that the instructions are changed into Orangutan words. Both are developed by the same guy. It is a joke esoteric language which belongs to “strange programming language” category and has only three syntax elements– Ook./Ook?/Ook!

For instance: Ook. Ook? Refers to move the pointer to the right.

Also read: 10 Programming Languages That Can Redefine IT