10 Hottest Soft Drink Brands in Social Media

Bangalore: Fond of soft drinks, can’t have enough. Presenting the most popular soft drinks on the social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail plus and others. The chart listed the drinks as per the engagement rate of the viewer towards their promotions. It sort of means how hooked they got to the commercials, and ads posted by these soft drinks on You Tube. The list of ten most popular soft drinks on social sites as reported by Lorenzo Franceschi Bicchierai for Starcount Mashable social chart are:

Red Bull
Red Bull tops the charts of soft drink brands with the maximum engagement index. Red bull is an energy drink, which promotes its ads with the slogan ‘Red Bull gives you wings’. Red Bull has got the first position and is a hype because of the recent video featuring the Felix Baumgartner, Austrian skydiver. The out of the world jump for the Austrian energy drink company by Felix has not only broken the world record but also the viewers record on social networks. On You Tube it’s the most watched video ever with 75,245,415 number of viewers and has 285,893 fans on Facebook.

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