10 Facts You Never Knew About Google

Google’s Youtube

When Google acquired Youtube, people weren’t really sure if Google lost its senses but however, in the current context it seems like what Google did back then was one of the smartest things ever. It is recorded that the world watches over 450,000 years of Youtube video every month which is ironically over twice as long as modern human have existed.

Google AdWords

It is known that Google is big and rich but have you ever wondered where the money comes from? If yes and if you weren’t successful in finding out an answer then here it is. In 2011, it was revealed that 96 percent of Google’s $37.9 billion revenue came from its advertising alone. Yes! the very famous AdWords that you see all around the web.

Average Time On The Website

While most companies and startups in the world spend millions of dollars on web, content and marketing development to ensure that a guest or a visitor spends ample time on their website, Google takes a different stand. It might be the only company in the world with an explicit goal to reduce the amount of time users or visitors spend on its website.

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