Most Nerve-Racking Global Infra Projects

8. Sewer system, London:

London, the capital city of United Kingdom and one of the world's largest financial centers, still lack basic infrastructures such as sewage systems. This is a problem faced by its citizens since the Victorian-era. Although the difficulty was identified during the 80’s, the government never paid much heed towards the issue as they felt providing drinking water is more of an important task to do. As such, every time it rains heavily, all the sewage water flows into the River Thames through a network of sewers that flows below the streets of London.

7. LAPSSET project , Kenya:

Kenya’s ambitious developmental project known as LAPSSET project (Lamu Port and Lamu Southern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor) was intended for constructing a new port, a railway line, a new two-lane highway network, a crude oil pipeline, an oil refinery, and three resort cities. $23 billion has been estimated for the project.  Once this project is completed, it will serve as the backbone for Kenya’s biggest opening in the global economy. But the local communities are against this developmental project over environmental and social concerns.

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