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Advice Request
Ashish Maan Maan
Ashish Maan Maan

Ashish Maan Maan



Ashish Maan Maan is a member of:

The Decisions That Matter
I decided to grow in the field of cartooning the day my Dad recognized my talent. Technology just happned while working for various clients and I picked up animation on my own. Learning management skills was a decision that I took after working for about 3-4 years as consultant artist and animator.
Role Model:
As I keep telling people that you all are my living books. I keep learning from everyone. Its tough to extend credit to an individual.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
I can say technology has impacted it in a big way, however creativity still plays a significant role - as it used to be many years back.
Career Profile:
Today am responsible for driving a show, from managing perspective. But, I never tried disconnect myself from the execution of work. I still enjoy working with a team - as doer.
The Journey So Far:
I started my career as a consultant artist and animator. Getting into the Corporate World has a natural progress for me. I applied for a sernior visualizer profile for an eLearning division but landed in to a managerial role, once my interview was over. Thanks to the individuals, who took such a ris
Done Differently:
Nothing significant! I owe alot to the corporate learning. It enabled me learn sills that are important for an artist to sell his/her ideas/creation to a large audience - effectively and effortlessly.
Job Profile:
I'm managing my business of offering consultancy in the learning and entertainment domains. I'm heading the organization and also offer my creative solutioning services to my customers.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
On a humble note, I understand I have given a creative force and processes to the Indian eLearning industry. In future I'm about to offer first Edutainment character to the world from India.
Growth Strategy:
I've conceptualized a model of Edutianment to make learning interesting. Also, have developed characters for developing softskills of child following non-violence creative solution route. My plan is to impact Education and Entertainment domains with a paradigm shift.
Working Life Management:
Interesting question...but difficult to articulate through written words. :)
Plans For The Future:
Perhaps helping the world - as one of the contributors - to develop a generation, skilled at handling issues with peace and creativity.
Degrees That Matter:
Any degree/certificate is fine, provided an individual reviews the following two components - passion and committment within and identify an insitute with due care. In India I'm sure NID is one institute that is in serious business - not sure about others.
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