7 Brilliant Technologies That Failed to Generate The Buzz

6. Apple Newton

Developed in 1993, Apple Newton was a personal digital assistant developed by Apple Inc. The product was developed to reinvent personal computing and to rewrite the contemporary application programming.

But the invention failed to provide its services for long and was shut down in 1998. The reasons for the massive failure were many; it was too big and expensive and its handwriting recognition software was a commercial failure increasing its unreliability.

7. Microsoft SPOT Smart Watch

Now days, it can be seen that there is a wide spread catch for the android wear or any wearable technology, recently Google launched the Google glasses and smart watches in the markets. But if we retrospect the past, the history will reveal that more than a decade ago Microsoft launched its smart watch based technology called SPOT (Smart Personal Object Technology)

The purpose to use SPOT technology was in alarm clocks and weather stations, with a price tag of around $150, bulky size and poor design capability restricted its growth, and it never took off in the markets.

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