7 Best Programming Tools for Multicore Development

Bangalore: Multicore processors rule the modern technology with an outstanding performance and durability which is pushing the single core chips into a near history. But when it comes to programmers, developing for multiple CPU cores on a single chip can be tiresome, considering the difference between both.  According to James Reinders, Intel’s director, "your approach to getting work done can be very different when you want to be able to do it concurrently or in parallel."

To help developers in ease of transition to multicore development, there is a bunch of powerful tools available now from many companies which are compiled by Infoworld.

Intel Parallel Studio

Intel’s Parallel Studio development suite is exclusively meant for developing programs for parallel computing. The tool features a threading assistant, optimizing compiler, libraries, a memory error and thread checker, and a threading performance profiler. It enables Visual Studio C/C++ developers to take full advantage of multicore processors, enabling Windows application developers to transform legacy serial apps into software meant for multi-core systems.