10 Latest Facts About Apple Revealed By Tim Cook

Bangalore: Apple lately has become the epicenter of media. There are numerous questions waiting to be answered by the Cupertino giant. The questions range from company’s tax policy to the next best thing from Apple that can spike up the falling stock value. After lying in a dormant state for a while, letting out numerous rumors of its products and policies to run their own course, finally in a candid interview at D11 conference organized by All Things D, CEO Tim Cook sheds light on what’s going inside Apple.  Here’s a short take of the interview.

#10 On patents and on end game for the Apple-Samsung spat

When asked what would it take to settle with Samsung? “I’m not negotiating this evening. I don’t like them any more than I did last year. I don’t want copying. It’s a values thing. This is about values at the end of the day,” Cook said.

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