How Startups Are Bringing Science Fiction Down To Earth

4. Aarav Unmanned Systems (AUS)

Aarav Unmanned Systems was founded by four friends in 2013 to diminish traditional manual surveying methods by using drones which can be useful for agriculture, mining, and infrastructure sectors. "The manual method requires a lot of time and money. Using drones is 10 times faster at similar prices," said Vipul Singh, one of the co-founders. AUS present 3D model of a land after surveying and their drones can prove helpful to assess and estimate damage caused by natural disaster.

5. Cardiac Design Labs

Anand Madangopal, founder of Cardiac Design Labs, in 2011 came up with the idea of wearable biomedical sensors to leverage cardiac monitoring system. "India has 64 million people with heart disease. About 90 per cent of them walk into small hospitals, which don't have the capabilities for cardiac diagnostics," said Madangopal. To bridge gaps in cardiac diagnostics, he introduced MirCam (Mobile Intelligent Remote Cardiac Monitor) which identifies heart problems that remain dormant during standard hospital tests. MirCam allows ‘Diagnosis on the Go’ for patients which collects data on cloud and generates alarm after analyzing the data for patients.

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