5 'Unreasonable' Start-ups That are Thriving Lives

MANA Nutrition (founded in 2009):

MANA nutrition, a nonprofit based in North Caroline, has come up with a unique way to solve the food crisis in today’s world. They developed a packet of 500 calorie, nutrition rich peanut butter, which cures 95 percent of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in 6 weeks.

The company simultaneously launched Calorie Cloud, a tech platform that tracks the amount of calorie people burn while exercising. The Calorie Cloud also helps corporate companies sponsor MANA nutrition packets every time their employees work out. A win-win situation!

Biosense (founded in 2008):

Primary Health Care centers in rural India are often overcrowded and take time in handing out diagnoses. Biosense, a startup cofounded by Dr Abhishek Sen, has developed a low-cost portable device that that diagnoses blood-based diseases in a few minutes.

The device can diagnose anemia, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and early-stage kidney disease. "This is critical because the speed of the diagnoses can save lives," said Dr Sen.

The devices have so far conducted nearly 100,000 tests and are being used in 2,500 clinics in rural villages.

Also Read: 5 Indian Startups You Must Follow

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