8 Kids Books That Could Pay for Your College Tuition

sdMake Way For Ducklings ($7,400):

‘Make Way for Ducklings’ is another children's picture book written and illustrated by Robert McCloskey. First published in 1941, the book tells the story of a pair of mallards who had decided to raise their family on an island in the lagoon, Boston Public Garden, a park in the center of Boston. This simple story is made even better with a series of incredible illustrations and the book sold over two million copies, led to the construction of a statue, and has continuously won awards for over 70 years.

sdHorton Hatches the Egg ($7,400):

‘Horton Hatches the Egg’, a children's book written and illustrated by Theodor Geisel under the pen name Dr. Seuss and published in 1940 by Random House. The book tells the story of Horton the Elephant who is tricked into sitting on a bird's egg while its mother, Mayzie takes a permanent vacation to Palm Beach. It teaches kids about the importance of not being lazy and skipping out on your responsibilities and additionally provides some commentary on the state of parents abandoning their children to pursue a better and more selfish life for themselves.

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