Science Benefitted By These 10 Heartful Billionaires


Paul Allen

The co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen is a known name for charitable organizations with $500million in donations, with the Allen institute for Artificial Intelligence. Allen along with Gates has made significant donations both having a knack for welfare. Also donated $30 million for SETI’s Allen telescope.

Ronald Perelman

Ronald Perelman this business giant has his paws spread all over with comic books, groceries, and also Revlon products, has been to many charities donating but has a soft side for cancer patients. So he set up women cancer research causes to try in drugs for improvement of health and limit cancer increase.

Eli Broad

Eli Broad the American entrepreneur has made a net of $2.6 billion in charity which is half of his wealth, so the philanthropist has to divert to someone to target it big. So for that, he has  made donations for science by funding to MIT’s  to study stem cells and their genetic behavior, along with his wife to set up an institute.

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