2015's Outlook For Women Entrepreneurs Set To Bloom

BANGALORE: Women entrepreneurs run the show these days and are even capable of taking the economy to new heights. The ventures of these female entrepreneurs in the field of business seem to be blooming rather well. “If women were as economically engaged as gentlemen in the economy, our GDP would be 7 to 9 point larger,” said Sallie Krawcheck, a former investment analyst and chair of Ellevate, a global professional women’s network, on Bloomberg TV, reports Forbes.

# Entrepreneurship lights up a women’s face.

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) U.S. Report 2013, American women entrepreneurs are considered to be among the happiest people in the world. The growth in their business results in their cheerfulness, it is for probably for this reason that their welfare and content has surpassed female entrepreneurs from other countries as well as is deemed higher than men as well.

According to The Shriver Report “That is a huge drain — to our joy, our ingenuity and, fundamentally, to our well-being. Women entrepreneurs are pointing us to an alternative. Do what you love and do it on terms that work for you, your family, your relationships, and your health. This isn’t easy, but it can be done and when we do it, we become self-authoring. What could be more joyful?”

# Women entrepreneur are visible paragons

Research by Gender GEDI says that the significant success of other entrepreneurs have put a spell on women with a strong desire to start their own businesses. As the growth rate of these entrepreneur companies are increasing, it will soon captivate aspiring women to start their own one man army.

Women are now in control of their own destiny. Talents with a blend of ambition is alluring women to play their own cards. Women under 40 are now walking out of corporate with their own business ideas.


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