Nuclear Weapons: Who Has What At a Glance

BENGALURU: Mankind went through two devastating world wars of which the logical outcome was the invention of weapons of mass destruction. After the Americans exploded two atomic bombs in Japan in 1945, there has been a significant rise in the nuclear weapons ever since. The top military powers are in a sizzling race since the past 60-70 years. These countries have come a long way since their acquaintance with atomic bombs. All the countries retain the bulk of their nuclear forces.

This is a list of top ten nations and their arsenals of nuclear weapons compiled by IndiaTV. :

Russia: Russians’ expertise in manufacturing doesn’t need any particular mention.RDS-1 The Soviet Union’s first ever nuclear weapon—RDS-1 was test fired in 1949 under Igor Kurchatov. RDS-1 was designed similar to the Fat Man Bomb dropped in Nagasaki, with a solid plutonium core. Test firing the RDS-1 broke the monopoly of U.S. in nuclear weapons. Soviet Union in the Cold War era was on full steam when it came to the arms race and conducted about 715 nuclear tests by the end of cold war and had 45, 000 nuclear warheads in its arsenal of which only 1,740 are active.

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