7 Most Controversial Aircraft Crashes

Argo 16:

The Italian Air Force C-47 Dakota aircraft had a code name ‘Argo 16.’ It was a World War II transport, but this particular plane had a much more storied history. Though it flew for the Italian government but it was sponsored by the CIA, and had been packed out with shadowing electronics.

C-47 was crashed into an industrial park in Venice, on November 23, 1973. The initial investigation showed that it was the pilot’s error but later a second investigation concluded that the aircraft had been brought down deliberately.

The Israeli security agency, Mossad and the Palestine Liberation Organization were involved in the attack.

There was a claim that the Gladiatori bombed Argo 16 as a message to Italy’s government that they wouldn’t be shut down quietly.

The aircraft had been involved in covert operations, such as the repatriation of terrorists and transport of secret service agents. Planting a bomb in the aircraft would have been almost impossible. The flight crews and personnel that looked after the aircraft were from specially chosen units.

 Argo 16 was used to fly Gladio materials between locations.

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