Tablets in the Enterprises: Pros and Cons

Bangalore: The usage of tablets is widespreading among users and in the Enterprise world. Tablets are fast becoming an inevitable trend in the enterprises and “It’s safe to say that tablets are here to stay, something not clear when the original iPad hit the streets,” says James Kendrick of ZDNet.

Enterprises are presumed to be the next big frontier for tablets provided some clear issues need to be addressed to make it happen.

Pros: of Tablets in the Enterprise

Ease of lock down feature

To have a secure and productive environment at the workplace major enterprises restrict what employees can do with company computers during the day, and most of them lock down deployed systems. Tablets can be beneficial in this scenario as they are easier to lock down through which companies can restrict the things employees can do with them, especially online.

Moreover, Tablets offer the option of customized restriction lock down feature through which employees will be confined to their work online and nothing more.


The IT folks are quite excited about the reduced cost per unit of tablet considering the rate of tablets replacing laptops. One big advantage the companies can have is that volume purchases of tablets are expected to bring down the cost per unit far below that of conventional devices.