13 Windows Features That Got Killed On The Way

Bangalore: Over the years, Windows has initiated and killed many established technologies and features. This goes same in the case of recently released Windows 8. As final version of this ground breaking OS just got its release, Microsoft has confirmed that they have annihilated many features from Windows 7 and their other previous versions. It’s pretty clear that the company has eradicated a number of popular expertises along their way to success. So with that, let’s take a look back at the once-must have features in the earlier versions of Windows that got themselves killed along the way.

#1 DriveSpace:

Born: Dos 6.0

Died: Windows XP

Back in the days where hard disks were huge in size and small in space, DriveSpace was the one technology that absolutely created magic. What DriveSpace did was that it compressed the whole data into a single file. Also it could redirect the system to the drive letter, point to the compressed file and assign appropriate data calls to the system. But later, along the advancement of technology, DriveSpace totally lost the race, with quandaries such as bugs and data loss to assist.



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