False Beliefs Even The Smartest People Have About Money

BANGALORE: We live in a sea of beliefs and assumptions that gradually govern our worldly views. Implicit, they faintly determine all aspects of our lives. When we act on the basis of these beliefs, our actions are programmed by them and the results we obtain reflect them. Our attitudes about money are formed in childhood and it’s these attitudes that shape how we use money today. Unfortunately, we usually don’t know it.

Let’s have a close look at some of the false beliefs that we have about money:

1. Money is never enough for us

This belief is based in the ‘scarcity’ mentality or ‘poverty’ consciousness.  Resources are in limited supply, and thus you have to compete to get those limited resources. The truth is that money is just energy, an exchange for value.

If you make the mental shift that money is limitless, that it can be invented, created and generated on demand, in line with the value you provide, it will open up all sorts of possibilities.  So it’s only your beliefs, imagination and creativity that limit you.