False Beliefs Even The Smartest People Have About Money

2. To be rich is not that good

Sure, there are some people who are rich and not good.  But equally, there are less than desirable characters among the ranks of the less than wealthy too. Another justification is that good people, spiritual people don’t chase after money.  It’s wrong to have money and be focused on accumulating material things.

The fact is, whatever spiritual or religious beliefs you follow, it is your birthright to live an abundant life for a higher purpose and vision.  With abundance, you have more options, resources, freedom, flexibility, and abilities to live your best life to its fullest potential, and help others achieve the same. 

3. You Have to Work Hard to Make Money

You might have heard this many times that to achieve something you need to work hard. This belief is anchored in the simplistic linear view that the harder you work the more money you make.  Well, that is just not the plain truth! You are remunerated in direct correlation with how much value and service you provide, not how many hours you work.

Successful people know that working ‘smarter’ not harder is the way to go and is totally achievable.  We are not meant to toil, struggle or suffer.