10 Reasons To Say No To New Credit Cards

5. To Get Through A Rough Patch: If you are expecting to pay your large expenses through your new card, then you may go wrong when you are still struggling with your balances and debts in your old cards. At this situation you have to look for other options to reduce your risks and burdens.

6. Verify Rewards Program: If you are planning to get more rewards, then getting a new card is not the only option. You can instead increase your credit score to increase your chances of getting more rewards. If you are able to pay your balances within time then it will surely bring you more unexpected rewards. Try this alternative idea, it will make you risk free.

7. Getting Drowned In Debts: It’s very much important to remember that credit cards are the other name of borrowing. Whenever you buy using your credit card you need to pay your for it later in the form of debt. This system is only good until you manage paying debts. But it gradually becomes risky when you mess up with multiple credit cards while paying back your debts. If you don’t pay your debt, you will need to pay relatively a high rate of interest. To avoid this situation stay away from new cards and try to pay more than the monthly minimum and stop your credit card debt to spiral out of control.

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