10 Reasons To Say No To New Credit Cards

2. Using Too Much Credit: Credit cards when used wisely can be a best helpful hand-on your financial requirements. Credit cards come up with various sign up benefits, reward points and many other facilities for card holders. As a result people having cards still try to get multiple cards to benefit from such sing up schemes. But the card benefits will only last until the card holder is able to pay the credit card issuer or the bank at a regular basis to avoid getting into a debt trap.

3. Curiosity to Know Credit Status: If you are planning to apply for a new card just to see whether you are credit worthy or not, then it’s a very bad idea. Because credit scores are never stable, it varies greatly by the card issuer or the lender. Besides this your card type is also considered while manipulating your credit scores.

4. Getting Flattered with the Offers: Simply because of getting motivated with the offers and schemes your credit issuers are offering you, you must not get trapped in it. Don’t get stuck to these offers otherwise you will be in a trouble when you realize that you are unable to pay it off.

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