Is the Recent Food Security Bill Good Enough?

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 27 October 2011, 01:14 IST
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Drafting a complete Food Security Bill, requires lot of people to give away what they have in excess. But the bill clearly does not say that. However to highlight the serious issues, NAC draft has many pages which demonstrates penalties to violations to the substantive text, turning it into a punishing bill rather than enabling bill.
food security bill
Manners for drafting the bill and consultation undertaken for it are also questionable. There are other questions as well like In what manner were experts and other actors brought on board? How were the public's views sought? How did the principal stakeholders engage in the process of providing inputs? How were the public's views sought? How has this bill attempted to be pluralistic and representative of multiple views? The present NAC draft needs to add correct components to such a vital law, or else the key targets will be missing and the law will be nothing more than meaningless set of words. Production of food, its distribution, and capability of the underprivileged people to soak up and seek advantage out of it and nutrition that they can get should be the highlighted factors in a complete food security bill. It never too late, if we take this issue seriously, we still have time to come with new food security legislation.