World's Toughest Languages to Crack

5. Hungarian-

Hungarian too belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family like Finnish. It has thirty five cases of noun forms.  They use Roman alphabets but the pronunciation is quite different from the English language. Hungarian language is full of expressive, idiomatic words, and suffixes. So, this language is often confused. This twisted sounds and accent makes it very hard to speak it correctly. The Hungarian grammar, possession, tense, and number are not spoken by order of the given word, but by suffixes.

6. Navajo-

Navajo which is a verb centered language is one such language which is exactly opposite to English. The descriptions of this language are also given through verb which has no direct translation in its own language. This language was used during the World War II as a confidential code of the American in the Pacific War against the Japanese.

The special feature of Navajo is that it has animacy which describes the hierarchy of animation that determines what verbs a noun will take on. For instance, nouns like human and lightning are at the peak of the hierarchy, after that children and large animals come, and abstractions are at the very bottom. In spite of being a fascinating language, it is included in the list of the hardest languages of the world as it not a language which is easily understood by the masses.