World's Strangest Candy!

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 02 December 2011, 00:10 IST
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Mexico: Salsagheti

Mexicans are very gallant when it comes to candies. It isn’t unusual to find chilli powder dusted or coated onto candies, but Salsaghetti – a native candy of Mexico - takes gusto to a whole new realm. The watermelon-favored candy straws come with a tube of “gusano tamarind” sauce that one can apply to make it look like spaghetti. As dumb as it may sound, the idea is pretty logical! First timers sure can’t take Salsagheti’s sweet-meets-spicy-meets-pseudo-spaghetti! Salsaghetti with its strong, pungent tasting tamarind sauce can be found all over Mexico in grocery and convenience stores.