World's Happiest Countries, Where Does India Stand?


Happiness score: 7.477

Overall rank: 6

Canada is the world’s second largest country in the world. It is a developed country with ninth highest per capital interest globally and also has the 11th highest Human Development Index ranking.

The country is recognized for being the wealthiest Nation and also is rated as the best destination for education. The country is ranked presently as number 6 globally and has an overall happiness score of 7.477.   



Happiness score: 7.389

Overall rank: 7

Finland is located in Northern Europe and has an overall population of 5.4 million people. The country has shown rapid economic development over the years. Being in the top ten wealthiest nations, Finland is also regarded to have the best education system in the Europe.    

Finland has recently been declared as the world’s most peaceful nations. The country is ranked   number 7 globally for being the happiest countries in the world and has a happiness score of 7.389 according to the UNO.