World's 8 Best Night Markets to Visit

Marrakech Night Market, Morocco: One of the most famous night markets in the world, the Marrakech Night Market is like a carnival of food with music, fortune-telling and lots more. With wide variety of eateries offering the best in Moroccan and world cuisine and musicians serenading the crowds, the market is a magical experience.

Diners can choose from local snail delicacies or opt for the more familiar option of spicy sausages, grilled fish and bowls of boiled chickpeas. Ceramics, traditional shoes and spices are some of the attractions which every visitor should not miss out on their list. Gnawa drummers, skilled orators, and fortune-tellers provide the evening's entertainment and a taste of local culture. This market is open 7 days a week.

Suzuki Night Market, Melbourne:  Each year from November to February, Melbourne’s famous Queen Victoria market hosts a night market on Wednesdays, highlighting artisan goods and international cuisine. Suzuki Night Market is one such market and is considered as one of the best night markets in Australia. There are many local designers, artisans, and culinary vendors that you can find in this market. This market highlights the city’s ethnic diversity. There are many cultures that you can find here, such as Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, and Indian. When you are here, you need to try the food reflexology massage in this market.

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