World's 10 Most Followed Leaders on Twitter

Abdullah Gül
The President of Turkey, Abdullah Gül has enhanced his number of followers by over 2 million in 2012. Being an early adopter of Twitter, Abdullah Gül does most of his tweeting in Turkish, however the significant statements are also made in English as and when it’s required.
On his first visit to the Silicon Valley in California he tweeted, “This is the first time a Turkish president travels to this region of the US. Here is where technology that changes our lives is born," reported

Queen Rania of Jordan
Queen Rania, the queen consort of the king of Jordan is on the fourth place. Since she’s facing criticism, which remarked on her playing too prominent part in ‘running Jordan’, Queen Rania had scaled down on her public activities. However this didn’t cap her account form followers wanting to join. Instead the number of followers grew as more than one million followers joined her account. On her Twitter account she called herself as, ‘a mum and a wife with a really cool day job,’ and now has over 2 million followers.

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