World's 10 Countries with Most Billionaires

Bangalore: The world has oscillated to and fro with the economic instability in the past years, yet there are countries which have many billionaires inspite of all the global economic uncertainties. Here are the top ten countries which abodes most billionaires inspite of the blows suffered by the equity, currency, and commodity markets. Evidently, the numbers of billionaire have increased in turn, adding to the wealth generated by them in the same period of time, which has grown $760 billion since last year. The list is compiled by Wealth-X which has listed the top 10 countries with most billionaires, as reported by

10 Canada
Billionaire count: 40
Total wealth: $105 billion

Canada has the eighth largest population of ultra-rich individuals or those whose total assets is estimated to be $30 million or more. Canada did see a decrease of 4 percent in its combined wealth as an effect of the U.S. market slowdown. According to Forbes the impact was also felt by Canada’s richest person, David Thomson who along with his family owns Thomson Reuters which suffered a worth fall by $5.5 billion in a year, that is, nearly 30 percent drop in the company’s share price.

9 Brazil
Billionaire count: 49
Total wealth: $300 billion

Being the only Latin American country on the list, Brazil showed an increase of 3.5 percent in its ultra-wealthy population, last year. Eike Batista is Brazil’s richest man whose wealth is estimated to be $14.9 billion, as per Forbes.

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