Win Every Startup Competition! With these 5 Simple Tips

Startup entrepreneurs must be bold and ready to face and answer challenging questions from the judging panel. Here it is again necessary for entrepreneurs not to be too technical.

Being yourself

Faking doesn’t really work in competitions, judges appreciate it much when a startup entrepreneur remains himself than simply imitating great entrepreneurs. The focus of the panel would be on the product and not on the well polished shoes or stiff blazers of the entrepreneur. Being real, good and genuine is the simple mantra to be natural and with startups success would automatically follow.

Competitions gives experience

It is very well recommended that every startup enters atleast 5 competitions because this would boost up their confidence and would make them realize their current status in terms of information, technology, trends etc. Apart from the prize money some competition also promises various other services like free office space, legal help and above all various contacts.


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