Will India Escape The Olympic Ban?

The IOA has been asked by Delhi court to hold the elections as per the government sports code, but instead the IOC wanted it to abide by the Olympic treaty which favours autonomy.

The association elected Lalit Bhanot after the IOC member Randhir Singh removed his name from the contest, leaving Lalit Bhanot unopposed to be elected as the IOA’s secretary general.

Bhanot was released on bail after being in custody for 11 months last year over corruption charges during the 2010 Commonwealth Games held in New Delhi, when he was at the same position of secretary general of the organising committee.

In October the IOC Ethics Commission warned the Indian committee against keeping Bhanot or IOA’s former head Suresh Kalmadi, who is also out on bail over corruption allegations.  

About Bhanot contesting elections Chautala said there is nothing wrong with it as Bhanot hasn’t been convicted. Chautala said, “Many people have cases pending against them, but they can’t be called guilty till the courts say so.” He added, “Bhanot has every right to contest, “as reported by AFP.

Chautala informed that at the Executive Board meeting in Lausanne two of the IOA members had been deputed to meet the IOC representatives before the probable poll against India.

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