U.S. Sees Strengthening Of Relationship with India under Modi

"The fact that as you have this transition happening in Myanmar that the opportunities for connectivity between South Asia and South East Asia is something that we absolutely believe in and want support. That is a key aspect of the conversations that we have in U.S. India Japan bilateral," she added.

"We also see that increasingly plays a very important role as you look at issues of security, across the airspace, maritime security and open sea lanes... That is an important area of our relationship. The defense partnership has been tremendous and seen tremendous transformation over the past decade and the one that we see continued area of growth," Biswal said.

"The energy dialogue has been very strong dialogues as we look at India's growing energy needs and looking at ways that we can support energy access for India both in terms of clean, renewable energy in terms of increasing access for the 40 per cent of Indians that right now do not have reliable access to power. There is a role that the U.S. can play helping India meets its own goals and aspirations," she said.

Source: PTI