Top Ten Relaxation Techniques To Reduce Stress

#10 Take a time-out
Most of the times, our temper gets the better of us. Even the smallest, nonsensical situation has the capability to trigger an explosion in our minds in the name of temper. Controlling temper is a worrisome challenge but preventing it is better than curing it as an aftermath. The best remedy is to just stop what you are doing and take a few deep breaths and concentrate on releasing tension and calming your heartbeat. Thirty seconds of this is enough to shift your heart’s rhythm from stressed to relaxed. Engage your mind by focusing on something positive- a vision of your favorite childhood moment or your pet. Keep that thought in mind, breathe slowly, relax your muscles and put that smile back on your face.

#9 Progressive muscle relaxation
This muscle relaxation mechanism is used to focus on slowly tensing and relaxing each muscle group at a time. This helps you to become more aware of your individual muscle joints and provides spotlight on the distinction between muscle tension and relaxation. You also become more aware of physical sensations.

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