Top 10 Unusual Uses of Beer

9. Deter bees

Bees and wasps are drawn to beer- so instead of spending a fortune on insect repellents, try placing a few open beer cans around the yard. Ensure the cans are placed away from where people have gathered. It is also very important that no one takes a swig from one of these cans- the situation can get downright unpleasant (and potentially lethal!)

10. Wash your hair

When one thinks of shampoo, the last thing that comes to mind is beer. But, beer is in fact an excellent natural alternative to regular shampoo which often contains a lot of chemicals. It adds luster and body to dull limp hair. Just mix one can of beer with a raw egg and viola! You have a shampoo which is safe and natural- it even lathers up like chemical based shampoo. Just keep in mind to use it within a couple of days. This can be a good once-a-month special treatment. Beer on its own makes a good conditioner-rinse your hair, let it dry, and then rinse it off with water.