Tips from spiritual gurus for our leaders

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 06 July 2011, 22:54 IST   |    2 Comments
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Corporate social responsibility
The spiritual gurus feel corporates should also take social responsibility, otherwise you become so greedy and when you become greedy, it kills the customer and it kills yourself too. So we need to bring up human values in life. This lack of spiritual values is causing violence and frustration or depression and suicidal tendency. Every day corporates battle with very busy schedules, stress, deadlines, and family pressures and meeting up their corporate social responsibility will fetch them satisfaction and happiness. Underneath your corporate coat, you are a lovely human being. Do not forget that. We should not forget human values in whatever role we play, whether as a corporate or as someone in politics or in industry or in business or in student life, underneath all the roles that we play, we are a beautiful human being.